Texts about Aime Cesaire
Diagne, Souleymane Bachir. 2015. “Rereading Aime Cesaire: Negritude as Creolization.” Small Axe, 19 (3 (48)): 121-28.
Nesbitt, Nick. 2015. “From Louverture to Lenin: Aime Cesaire and Anti-Colonial Marxism.” Small Axe, 18 (3): 129-44.
Walsh, John Patrick. 2013. Free and French in the Caribbean: Toussaint Louverture, Aimé Césaire, and narratives of loyal opposition. Indiana University Press.
Garraway, Doris L. 2010. “What is Mine: Cesairean Negritude between the Particular and the Universal.” Research in African Literatures. 41(1) (Special Issue: Aime Cesaire, Poet, Politician, Cultural Statesman): 71-86.
Bernasconi, Robert. 2002. “The Assumption of Negritude: Aime Cesaire, Frantz Fanon, and the Vicious Circle of Racial Politics.” parallax. 8 (2): 69-73.
Tomich, Dale. 1979. “The Dialectic of Colonialism and Culture: The Origins of the Negritude of Aime Cesaire.” Review (Fernand Braudel Center). 2(3): 351-85.