Texts by CLR James

James, C.L.R.  2013,  “The Making of the Caribbean Peoples.”  In The Making of the Caribbean Peoples and CLR James: The Black Plato of Our Generation. Amazon Digital Services, LLC.

James, CLR. 2012.  Toussaint Louverture: The Story of the Only Successful Slave Revolt in History; A Play in Three Acts.  Durham, NC: Duke University Press.  (This play was written by James in 1934.  The play was performed at London’s Westminster Theater and starred Paul Robeson. It was presumed lost until rediscovered in 2005.)

James, CLR. 2000. “Lectures on The Black Jacobins,” Small Axe 8 (September): 65-112.

James, C.L.R.  1981.  “Walter Rodney and the Question of Power.”  Race Today Publications, 1982.

James, CLR. 1978. “Fanon and the Caribbean.” in International Tribute to Frantz Fanon: Record of the Special Meeting of the United Nations Special Committee against Apartheid. New York, NY: United Nations Centre against Apartheid.

James, CLR1963. The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L’Overture and San Domingo Revolution2nd edition.  New York: Random House, Inc

James, C.L.R. (under the pseudonym, W.F. Carlton).  1943. “The West Indies in Review: Recent Developments in the Caribbean Colonies.” The New International, 9(6): 184-91.