Carnival–Trinidad and Tobago
Ho, Christine G.T. 2008. “Popular Culture and the Aesthetization of Politics: Hegemonic Struggle and Postcolonial Nationalism in Trinidad Carnival,” Transforming Anthropology, 9(1): 1-63.
Scher, Philip W. 2007: “The Devil and the Bed-Wetter: Carnival, Memory, National Culture, and Post-Colonial Consciousness in Trinidad, Western Folklore, 66(1-2): 107026.
Riggio, Milla. 1998. “Resistance and Identity,” TDR/The Drama Review, 42(3):6-23.
Campbell, Susan. 1988. “Carnival, Calypso, and Class Struggle in Nineteenth Century Trinidad.” History Workshop Journal, 26(1): 1-27.